Junior Rumaga is delivative name of RUMAGA WA NSEKANABO his real name, Junior Rumaga was born on 3rd July 1999. He is the second born in a family of three siblings both are boys. As a kid RUMAGA loved to read and perhaps stolen school books at home and loved to write his own short stories during that time calling his own book during the time , he grewn up loving listening to theater and old music. He didn’t grewn In family of artist becouse his parents are farmers but this didn’t bare him to discover his talent . At his age 13 Rumaga wrote his first poem NDAHARI in what we call IKIVUGO , he won youth champion award 2015 that was organized by Rwanda memorial center, NYIRARUMAGA awards competition organized by Kigali vibrate with poet 2018.


On 03th July 2022 Junior RUMAGA released his First album of poems called MAWE or mother , which speaks of women dail life and love .Under his tag “URWANDA RUZIRA UMWAGA” Junior RUMAGA has focused on love of family , love of community , love of country , patriotism, culture, peace and reconciliation amongst the community. He is used to say that , his inspiration comes from his daily life , his family and friends ,his love to his country especially looking to its recovery and development after the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.